Calling for submission of paper articles for INSSSL Peer-reviewed Monograph Publication“Strategies to re-engage the Sri Lankan Diaspora”

Abstract: 1000 words, in English, on one of the following themes. Abstract to include: details of author/s, institutional affiliation, title of the paper, five key words, and email address of contact author.

Email Abstract on or before deadline to

·         Deadline for Abstract Submission – 1st of August 2018 


·         Conceptualizing Diaspora: finding a sense of belonging

·         Diaspora Activism: Home and Host countries

·         Diaspora and National Security: Protection of Home Country

·         Diaspora Contributions: Socio-Cultural-Economic and Intellectual

·         Diaspora in the International World: Bringing Pride to Sri Lanka

·         Host Country and Diaspora:  Reshaping of Image

·         Post War Peace Building: Role for Diaspora

·         Diaspora & Diplomacy: foreign policy making and networking   

·         Shortlisted authors will be notified by 15th August

·         Full Article must be submitted by 7th September. The final article must be 3000 words; Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing, in-text citation with References (APA