Security Salon on "Security in the age of Globalisation"

INSS Sri Lanka had its Security Salon on "Security in the age of Globalisation" with Dr.Imtiaz Ahmed and many distinguished participants from foreign missions military and scholars from civil society. We thank everyone for their participation and contribution.

Following is the welcome speech by Asanga Abeyagoonasekera DG INSSSL

Chairman INSSSL Eng.Karunasena Hettiarachchi ,Dr.Imtiaz Ahmed, Defence Attaches, officers of Ministry of Defence, Researchers at INSSSL, scholars and distinguished guests.

It is with great pleasure I welcome todays guest speaker Dr.Imtiaz Ahmed to the premiere National Security Think Tank of Sri Lanka INSSSL security salon.

Our National Security think tank was established with a vision “To improve policy and decision making through high-quality research and analysis with excellence”. Its mission is to continuously support the Ministry of Defence mission for the formulation and execution of strategic policies and plans for a safe,secure and sovereign nation with territorial integrity.

Our security Salon if I may introduce to our new participants is strictly by invitation only and we discuss a timely relevant topic of interest of national security. Participants were to consider themselves equal to one another. It is a space for intellectual debate and discussion. Our previous security salon on Indo-Pak situation created a tinny ripple in the strategic thinking arena and many scholars has written to us congratulating and we thank them for their best wishes.

In the age of globalization there are many stakeholders to consider specially in a borderless world where land, air sea is not the only factors but space has played a pivotal area in the modern day. Our Excellency the President Maithripala Sirisena who is our Patron of the think tank spoke of the importance of strengthening national security specially considering todays security threats at yesterdays Gallantry Award ceremony. Few days ago in Tokyo I learned Japan will launch its state of the art X band satellite. In todays newspaper we hear Britain is deploying troops aircraft and armour in the biggest military buildup in Eastern Europe since the Cold war. With all this developments we think todays security salon topic “Security in the age of Globalisation” is of highest importance to all of us.

With this let me introduce today’s speaker Dr.Ahmed... Thank you!