Security Salon on "Indo-Pak Situation"
The inaugural 'Security Salon' organized by the Institute of National Security Studies Sri Lanka (INSSSL) was held on Wednesday (05th October 2016) at the Ministry of Defence. The meeting was held with the presence of Secretary to the Ministry of Defence Eng. Karunasena Hettiarchchi.
The INSSSL Security Salon was launched to provide a space for intellectual and political debate and deliberation on a specific topic by a select audience. The guest speaker at this session was Prof. S D Muni, a distinguished Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi. Prof. Muni's remarks were centred on the tense 'Indo-Pak situation' that has arisen as a result of clashes at the Indo-Pakistan border last month. The inaugural Security Salon on INSSSL concluded successfully with positive feedback for its continuance.
The event was attended by Ministry officials, members of the diplomatic community from Pakistan, India, USA, Turkey, Australia and Japan including Defence Attaches as well as senior Sri Lankan scholars and senior officers of the security forces.
As the premier national Security Think Tank, Institute of National Security Studies Sri Lanka aims to understand the national security environment with regard to regional and global security dynamics, and work with the Government of Sri Lanka to craft evidence-based policy options and strategies through debate and discussion in the interest of national security.