The Institute of National Security Studies, Sri Lanka (INSSSL) organised it’s first public lecture on Wednesday, 15th February 2017 at the INSSSL premises at Suhurupaya, Battaramulla. Dr. Satoru Nagao from the Gakushuin University, Japan spoke on the topic “Changing US-China Power Balance and the Role of Japan – India – Sri Lanka Co-operation.” Director General of the Institute Mr. Asanga Abeyagoonasekera delivered the opening remarks and introduced the guest speaker Dr. Nagao who is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute. He is also Research Fellow at the Tokyo Foundation, Lecturer in Security at the Department of Political Studies at the Faculty of Law, Gakushuin University and Research Fellow at the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies.
Dr. Nagao spoke on a timely topic that is of much interest in regional affairs and geo politics. The strategic behaviour of super powers and regional powers in Asia Pacific and South Asia is one of most significant study areas within current international affairs. Dr. Nagao commenced his presentation with more focus on the South China Sea and its strategic importance since, in recent times there have been several incidents with the involvement of two super powers. He was very keen to emphasize new ideologies and strategies of security, balance of power and military power at present held by super powers and regional powers; specifically China, India and Japan. Furthermore, he focused attention on relations and alliances between key countries such as the United States, China and India. Dr. Nagao noted the difference between old and new alliances in the US, its bilateral relations and how it has affected small powers in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) like Sri Lanka. More importantly, he spoke of the role of Sri Lanka where he identified it as a very strategically placed nation as a reason of its significant location and he stressed that this has affected its relations positively as well as negatively with Sri Lanka now having to face new security dilemmas.
This lecture was followed by an interesting discussion. To a question on Dr. Nagao’s views on the security policy of the new US President Trump was that, President Trump himself needs more time and experiences to think about new security policy for the USA. Another important point was on the Japanese reaction in regard to China’s military assistance to Sri Lanka. the speaker responded emphasizing that the Japanese reaction could be changed depending on types and quantities of military assistance. He further stated that it is very important to have well balanced relations and policy with every country which will lead to a balance of power in the current world order. The event was attended by scholars, senior officers of the tri forces, special invitees and media personnel.