The Institute of National Security Studies of Sri Lanka (INSSSL) held a lecture and discussion on "Human Security in a changing climate - addressing its impact in Sri Lanka and South Asia" at the INSSSL Auditorium at 'Suhurupaya' in Battaramulla today (14th June 2017).
The lecture was organized in order to educate audience and to acquire knowledge on a timely topic which got an additional attention with the recent flooding.
Ms. Anoka Abeyrathne Asia Pacific representative to United Nations Habitat, and Policy and advocacy representative of the Common Wealth Youth Climate Change Network conduct the guest lecture during the event.
During the lecture, she spoke on climate change and its impacts and responses including adaptation and mitigation factors for climate change. She spoke of natural disasters in Sri Lanka in particular and the region and the world in general, and cautioned on climatic changes and its effects on Sri Lanka and the world.
The Director General of the INSSSL Mr. Asanga Abegoonasekara presented a memento to Ms. Abeyrathne as a mark of appreciation during the occasion. Scholars, senior tri forces officers, special invitees and media personnel attended for the event.