International Workshop on “Climate Change and Resource Security: Challenges for Security and the Security Sector in South Asia”

The Institute of National Security Studies Sri Lanka (INSSSL), along with Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), Regional Project Energy security and Climate Change Asia-Pacific (RECAP) headed by, Hongkong SAR/PR China Dr. Peter Hefele, and the Centre for South Asian Studies (CSAS) headed by Dr. Nischal Pandey is organising a two-day international workshop on climate change and resource security from 30th November to 1st of December 2017.
 The Workshop under the title of “Climate Change and Resource Security: Challenges for Security and the Security Sector in South Asia” will be held at Hilton Hotel, Colombo with the participation of scholars, practitioners and policy makers from SAARC region, the US and Europe.
Across Sri Lanka, climate change related weather aberrations and resultant extreme weather events have led to an increase in natural disasters resulting in a substantial loss of lives and property.  The subsequent effect of resource scarcity is felt in countries throughout South Asia making this workshop timely and relevant towards addressing the issue of climate change
The workshop will focus on the challenges and effects of climate change on national and regional security in South Asia emphasizing on the national security strategies and modes of operation in facing these challenges.
Keynote address will be delivered by the Secretary of Defense, Mr. Kapila Waidyarathne PC. International experts from South Asian countries, the US and EU are expected to share their knowledge, experience and understanding.